In the past 10 years, 46, 000 workers were injured as a result of poor electrical hazard training.
These injuries, though prevalent in the workplace, can be avoided by giving your employees proper electrical hazard training. Without the proper training, employers are turning a blind eye to the potential of preventable injury in the workplace. The use of an electrical safety training video is a great way to standardize your company’s safety training module, and ensure that your company is showing due diligence with regards to the safety of their employees.
The Importance of Electrical Safety Training
The human body is a great conductor, allowing electricity to easily flow once it comes in contact. As a great conductor, the body can suffer from a wide range of electrical injuries. This range starts with tolerable shocks that cause little to no injury to severe physical injuries such as a collapsed lung which can have fatal results. Over a 3 year period from 2011 to 2013, a total of 469 fatal injuries due to contact with electricity in the workplace were reported.
In addition to the immediate hazards present at the work site, the danger of improper electrical hazard training go beyond the safety of your employees. Power supply safety is important for both the employee working on the project, as well as the consumer using it. If mistakes were made during installation or repair on your company’s job site, a current a hazard for the employee working on the box, as well as a future hazard for anyone who will use it after installation exists. These immediate and long term hazards and liabilities can be avoided through the use of an electrical safety training video.
Using an Electrical Safety Training Video to Prevent Workplace Injury
Set a Basic Foundation
When dealing with workplace hazards it is imperative that all employees have the same foundation and that those foundations are correct. Using an electrical safety training video to outline fundamental safety practices such as the use of safety equipment PPE can greatly decrease the number of electrical related work injuries. If your employees are not all receiving the same basic safety procedure instruction, your company may be liable for a work related injury. By using an electrical safety training video, you ensure that all employees were given access to the same basic safety procedures, as well as your company’s Best Practices and SOPs prior to them commencing work on a site, thereby protecting your company from being liable in the event that an injury does occur.
Save Time and Resources
Orientation and training of new, incoming employees is traditionally left to veteran staff or members of the management team, pulling them away from their normal work day. Using an electrical training video means that your best employees and managers stay focused on their respective tasks, bettering your company’s efficiency. Once the electrical training video is done, veteran employees can emphasize whatever is deemed important for specific orientations.
In addition to fundamental safety procedure, electrical safety training videos can be tailored to meet the specific requirements for various jobs in the workplace. For instance, once you use an electrical safety training video to give employees basic electrician safety training, you can then use an electrician training video to outline the basic responsibilities of their role.
Scenario Based Training
Scenario based training is one of the best methods of training as it caters to various types of learners, allowing new employees to be able to see exactly what they should and should not be doing in a number of situations. Though scenario based training can be highly beneficial, when dealing with trades like electrician safety training, it is not always possible. Hazardous scenarios are just that, hazardous. It would not be safe to have new, untrained employees in dangerous situations. Electrical safety training videos are the perfect way to show new employees how to deal with dangerous situations without putting them at risk of injury.
Keep your Employees Up to Date
Labor laws are fluid and ever changing; using electrical safety training videos are an easy and efficient way to ensure all your employees are kept up to date on any and all new safety regulations. By utilizing electrical training videos, your company is saving time and money. Electrical training videos ensure employees are up to date on all new electrical hazard training and are able to get back to work as soon as possible. By ensuring your employees are kept up to date with all their electrical hazard training, you are reducing the chance of a workplace injury as well your company’s liability.
Electrical training videos can also be used to help implement any new roles, responsibilities or SOPs that may change from the time of the initial training period. Using these videos are an efficient and cost effective way to make certain that all your employees are up to date and on the same page, helping to decrease the chance of electrical related work injuries.
Getting a Custom Made Electrical Safety Training Video
When choosing a company to make your specific electrical safety training video there are a couple of things you should keep in mind. The company you choose should have previous experience, have access to top of the line equipment be able to tailor the video to your exact requirements and allow you to be as involved as you want. All of these requirements make choosing a video production company seem like a difficult and time consuming task. There is however, a simple solution. Choose us at Reel Vision for your electrical safety training video.
At Reel Vision, we have over 15 years of experience producing high quality videos for recognized companies such as Speedy, Gerber and Gatorade. In addition to large clients, we draw our experience from an industrial and construction client base, helping us to make an electrical safety training video that will suit the needs of your company. With this experience under our belts, we can produce a high quality electrical training video in as little as 8 days.
Offering you the Full Package
When you decide to use Reel Vision for your electrical safety training video, we provide you with everything from script development, shooting, editing and high quality output, to archiving your project for any future updates you may require. From start to finish we are there to make sure your video is made to your exact specifications.
We allow you to be as hands on as you want to be, whether you want to be involved every step of the way or leave it to our highly qualified staff, you can rest assured that you will have a unique, high quality video that exceeds your expectations.
Interactive Testing
To be sure that your employees are well versed in all aspects of electrical hazard training, we offer online interactive testing. This will help ensure that your employees are retaining all important information and further reducing the chances of work related injuries.